
Personal Stuff

People usually believe that our dreams actually influence our lives and it has become rather a frequent subject to argue about. There are a lot of esoteric speculations concerning this topic as well as scientific and even religious ones. It is a common knowledge that we also use our dreams to interpret our actual feelings and emotions.

In is said that people can control their dreams and the way how events develop in them and that the dreams affect their casual life.

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I hate my birthday, but I used to celebrated it regularly since my childhood. I decided to give up this habit since this year and now I throw all my effort to convince my relatives and acquaintances to forget about this stupid custom to wake me up early in the morning with their phone calls which don’t cease the whole day. I may be at work waiting for an important call and instead an announcement of a new contract I have to hear all these wishes of happiness and blah-blah-blah reaching out of my handy. In my personal opinion it’s a completely fussy holiday, I would even say that it’s not a holiday. I feel pity that I wasn’t born on the 29th of February, so that I had an opportunity to stand this hustle only once in four years. I’m not too lazy to organize a celebration or search for a suitable party place, I simply don’t like it. It seems to be the best if one celebrate the birthday in summer. There’s a chance to go to a seaside of have a picnic in the nearest forest in a big company. A sea coast is a good choice by the way. But I wouldn’t advise you to go to the most popular club- everybody tried to have a birthday party in a club at least once and knows what it is. A perfect idea for the one who doesn’t have friends, as stated by Beigbeder and I totally agree with him.

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