
Monthly Archives: July 2012

Dear Diary,

Today is my second day in this town and I went looking for a job. Eh. But the great thing is that my best friend is going to get a job too! Hopefully, we will find an employer who needs more than one worker. We were walking around the town: restaurants, cafes, asking if they are hiring. We even went to that amusement park my mom suggested: I don’t want to work there, not even a little bit. I may have to though… The thing is: I came here too late, most of the hotels and restaurants are all set, and all the positions are filled: waitresses, hostesses, receptionists. No one is needed.

But today wasn’t all bad: I had a great time catching up with my best friend, I met her boyfriend, he seems nice, I am really happy for them.

We also went to the beach; the wind from Atlantic was freezing, but we did bathe in the sun a little. I even got sunburn. No fair – how come the weather is so terrible but I still can get sun burn? But I’ve got to admit that there is nothing like the sight of the ocean, it’s beautiful. It changes its color like ten times a day, and every single time it’s different: grey, blue, grey-blue, light-blue, dark-blue, turquoise, or even white! And here is what I really enjoyed on the beach today: I closed my eyes, listened to the sound of the ocean waves and touched the warm sand, it was an amazing feeling. I can’t recall anything that even remotely reminds it, the time literally stops when you do it. Especially when there are not so many tourists on the beach.

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I hate my birthday, but I used to celebrated it regularly since my childhood. I decided to give up this habit since this year and now I throw all my effort to convince my relatives and acquaintances to forget about this stupid custom to wake me up early in the morning with their phone calls which don’t cease the whole day. I may be at work waiting for an important call and instead an announcement of a new contract I have to hear all these wishes of happiness and blah-blah-blah reaching out of my handy. In my personal opinion it’s a completely fussy holiday, I would even say that it’s not a holiday. I feel pity that I wasn’t born on the 29th of February, so that I had an opportunity to stand this hustle only once in four years. I’m not too lazy to organize a celebration or search for a suitable party place, I simply don’t like it. It seems to be the best if one celebrate the birthday in summer. There’s a chance to go to a seaside of have a picnic in the nearest forest in a big company. A sea coast is a good choice by the way. But I wouldn’t advise you to go to the most popular club- everybody tried to have a birthday party in a club at least once and knows what it is. A perfect idea for the one who doesn’t have friends, as stated by Beigbeder and I totally agree with him.

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The most popular pets are cats. They don’t require that much care, they don’t smell, they are cute and cuddly. When one makes up his / her mind to get a cat, they have a tough choice: there are too many cat breeds and they all seem to be nice and pretty.

Here I wasn’t to list some of the cat breeds and tell you a little something about each one of them. May be this will help you to choose a breed of your future pet.

1.Maine Coon Cat.

These cats have big fluffy tails and big heads. Maine Coon cat can be of any color. The owners of Maine Coon cats claim that ever cat has its character; they are smart, helpful, very quiet and kind. Some say they almost don’t mark the territory. They don’t get as many mats of hair as Persian Cats, so it is ok to brush their hair once in a few days.

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People who would like to get thinner usually think that eating only a few grains of pea during a day would help them obtain good figure faster. It is usual that strict diets suggest avoiding starchy foods, fry and smoked meat products. But they also never show you the way how you can avoid all these unwholesome products when they are so tasty in fact.

The question that has to be answered is how does one organize our daily ration in order not to gain weight and never exhaust oneself with useless starving?

Let us try to figure out a way to treat us right so that we can keep fit and feel satisfied with the food.

  1. Eat at an easy pace. Eating process is an ambrosian pleasure you should certainly get satisfaction from. It is clear that in the rhythm of our city lives it is rather hard to do anything slowly. We have to finish our work, go shopping, communicate with colleagues and complete a lot of other petty deals. Even the dinner at 7 p. m. is usually so quick that we don’t ever get to enjoy it. And a half an hour breakfast before going to college or work seems absolutely impossible.

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Our life style consists of a series of everyday tasks, rituals, small traditions and seemingly insignificant details. Some of us shamble through life, some walk and some even run. The pace you have chosen is hard to change as you are getting used to it with time. However, if you are not afraid to try something totally new, to feel the beating of life all around you and become a part of it you should accelerate. To fly through life, experience various adventures and feel the real taste of happiness you will need to find people with the same desires, to join the community with the same fast and furious life style. I think you know whom I mean – the bikers’ community, devoted to speed, roads and freedom.

Motorcycle is not just a way of transportation; this vehicle changes the life of its owner once and for all. First, you have to understand that you should find spare time in your schedule to occupy yourself with the bike, perform maintenance and practice a lot to become an excellent rider. Then, you should note that motorcycling is a kind of sports and you will need to keep god physical form in order to be able to cope with it. The average weight of the vehicle is about 200 kg, so fitness and physical activity should become an essential part of your life. And finally, motorcycle is egotistic and it can make an egotist of you as well. There is no place for anybody else on its back – just you and the road, family and children forgotten for a time. But on the other hand, it is an excellent way to take a break from your everyday duties and stay on your own for a while.

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It is a common story of a regular human life that people are often nervous and feel upset over some minor troubles and when it turns out that everything is fine, they start worrying over something else. It is really a bad habit that can cause bodily and emotional exhaustiveness and depletion of immune system.

There is certainly no reason ever to worry about something. Of course you are a human being, not some heartless cyborg and it is absolutely fine to show sympathy to other people and it doesn’t make you exhausted and lead to illness while worries are the display of fear.

I think a person should act in accordance with their philosophy and the things they believe in in any situation. This provides confidence in the fact that a person does everything right motivated by the best intentions. No matter what the result is it is the matter of choice that seemed the best earlier.

Living with a clear mind and immaculate conscience is the example of pure happiness despite the fact most of the people believe it is a back breaking labor. It is a joy that imbues the heart and fills one’s life with a good purpose.

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Talks about fast food may seem trivial but fast food topic shouldn’t be dropped.

Today I am going to speak about pros and cons of fast food. You know, like when you know you should forget someone and you make a cons list? Anyway, maybe it will be easier for some of you to let go if you carefully think about all the advantages and disadvantages.


1.It is fast. Well, it is kind of obvious. There is no need to go to the store, choose all the ingredients, then go home and spend two or even more hours cooking. Most of us just don’t have that much time. It is way easier to go to the McDonald’s or other place and buy a burger.

2.It is cheap. Relatively cheap. And it is definitely cheaper than buying products and spices (and buying oven-tray, special pens and other stuff like this).

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