
Tag Archives: health

Modern life is a tough competition every day and only a successful person is able to endure it. IT is rather natiural for any person to achieve success and proceed to the top of their career. However the desire is only the first step on this way although an important one too.

What are the obstacles that get in the way to being prosperous? Doubts and the lack of self confidence, that’s for sure. Limits are usually imaginary and the reasons for limiting oneself can be the following:

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Each person chooses his own way to maintain healthy living. Some consider herbs and vegan diet to be the best treatment while the others are devoted to sports and physical exercises. However the mot part of average people still prefer the chemical treating to the natural one. The pharmaceutical chemistry is the section of applied chemistry that aims to describe and synthesize the substances which are used as medicines and the medicinal agents to improve the effect of a certain drug.

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Do you feel sick? Do you feel tired for no reason? Then you obviously need to boost your immune system. Not many of us realize how powerful the immune system is. To boost your immune system you should follow the advice I would like to share today in my post.

First of all you should give up smoking and drinking. I’m sure you know how harmful these habits are. They are destroying your immune system day by day. Just think it over what would happen to your immune system in five years. I know myself it is really difficult to quit. But once I realized that my health is more important to me. Just try.

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Nobody can really define what real happiness is. Some say that it is a joy out of life and other think it is when you achieve the goals they had set before. Some psychologists believe that happiness is a skill that can easily be developed within one’s personality. Happiness never lasts for a long time; it’s kind of an immediate occasion as a person also needs the time of rest as well as some hardly bearable events that remind us of our being happy.
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People who would like to get thinner usually think that eating only a few grains of pea during a day would help them obtain good figure faster. It is usual that strict diets suggest avoiding starchy foods, fry and smoked meat products. But they also never show you the way how you can avoid all these unwholesome products when they are so tasty in fact.

The question that has to be answered is how does one organize our daily ration in order not to gain weight and never exhaust oneself with useless starving?

Let us try to figure out a way to treat us right so that we can keep fit and feel satisfied with the food.

  1. Eat at an easy pace. Eating process is an ambrosian pleasure you should certainly get satisfaction from. It is clear that in the rhythm of our city lives it is rather hard to do anything slowly. We have to finish our work, go shopping, communicate with colleagues and complete a lot of other petty deals. Even the dinner at 7 p. m. is usually so quick that we don’t ever get to enjoy it. And a half an hour breakfast before going to college or work seems absolutely impossible.

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It is a common story of a regular human life that people are often nervous and feel upset over some minor troubles and when it turns out that everything is fine, they start worrying over something else. It is really a bad habit that can cause bodily and emotional exhaustiveness and depletion of immune system.

There is certainly no reason ever to worry about something. Of course you are a human being, not some heartless cyborg and it is absolutely fine to show sympathy to other people and it doesn’t make you exhausted and lead to illness while worries are the display of fear.

I think a person should act in accordance with their philosophy and the things they believe in in any situation. This provides confidence in the fact that a person does everything right motivated by the best intentions. No matter what the result is it is the matter of choice that seemed the best earlier.

Living with a clear mind and immaculate conscience is the example of pure happiness despite the fact most of the people believe it is a back breaking labor. It is a joy that imbues the heart and fills one’s life with a good purpose.

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Talks about fast food may seem trivial but fast food topic shouldn’t be dropped.

Today I am going to speak about pros and cons of fast food. You know, like when you know you should forget someone and you make a cons list? Anyway, maybe it will be easier for some of you to let go if you carefully think about all the advantages and disadvantages.


1.It is fast. Well, it is kind of obvious. There is no need to go to the store, choose all the ingredients, then go home and spend two or even more hours cooking. Most of us just don’t have that much time. It is way easier to go to the McDonald’s or other place and buy a burger.

2.It is cheap. Relatively cheap. And it is definitely cheaper than buying products and spices (and buying oven-tray, special pens and other stuff like this).

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